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Ann Med Res. 1996; 3(4): 319-323

Malaria cases and malaria epidemiology in recent seven years in Malatya region

Dr. Mücahit Eğri1, Dr. Gülsen Güneş1, Dr. Erkan Pehlivan1




In this study, malaria cases in recent seven years in Malatya region have been examined on the basis of Malatya Health Directorate official records. Malaria cases have increased continuously since 1990. Virtually, all of the increase happened in South-East Anatolia Region. However, small increases have been seemed in other regions out of this region as Malatya; they are probably due to imported infections. Malaria cases have been demonstrated that parallel to increase of malaria cases in country, malaria cases have increased in Malatya region in recent seven years. It was detected that 72.1% of all cases were imported infections, 72.9% of the patients were male, and 90.9% of the cases occured were between April-October time period. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1996;3(4):319-323]

KeyWords : Malaria, epidemiology, communicable diseases

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