Preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis in women is associated with a lower accuracy rate than that in men. In th/'s study 57 women initially diagnosed to ha ve acute appendicitis in the emergency room and then confırmed to ha ve acute or perforated appendicitis and ruptured ovarian cysts were investigated. Loss of appetite, vomiting, tenderness, muscular resistance, rebound tenderness, radiologically air and fluid leveis localized to the caecum, leukocytosis and raised axillary temperature leveis were compared among three groups. There was no difference in loss of appetite, vomiting, tenderness, rebound tenderness, radiologically air and fluid leveis localized to the caecum among the groups (p>0.05). Muscular resistance in acute appendicitis group, leukocytosis in acute and perforated appendicitis groups and raised axillary temperature in perforated appendicitis group were significant findings (p