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Ann Med Res. 1996; 3(3): 195-199

Comparing two different non-vacuum bone cement mixing techniques

Dr. Güntekin Güner1, Dr. Nurzat Elmalı1, Dr. Ü. Sefa Müezzinoğlu2, Dr. Tamer Baysal3




A homogenous mixing is crucial for better mechanical properties of the bone cement. Cement mixing techniques are discussed in detailed in the current literature. Today, one stroke per second is accepted as a standard for low viscosity cements. We want to correlate the homogeneity of two different non-vacuum techniques by using a quantitative computerized tomography method. We mixed three boxes of Surgical Simplex Low Viscosity Cement for each group in standard environment. In the first group, we mixed by one stroke frequency during three minutes. The second group, was mixed by three strokes frequency for a minute. We obtained 11 computerized tomography sections for each specimen by a third generation spiral machine We obtained the density of each voxel (0.48mmx0.48mmx2mm) for each level of sections. Results showed that the frequency and duration in low viscosity cement mixing affects the homogeneity. Mixing for three strokes per second for a minute produces better homogeneity than one stroke per second for three minutes mixing. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1996;3(3):195-199]

Key Words: Bone cement, technique

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