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Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(3): 233-236

Evaluation of the lipoprotein (a) and other Hpid parameters in patients with active Behçets disease

Dr.Gürsoy DOĞAN* Dr.Hamdi ÖZCAN* Dr.Ersoy HAZNECİ* Dr.Yasemin ORAM** Dr.Yelda KARINCAOĞLU*



Behçet's disease is characterized by recurrent uicerations of the mouth, skin iesions, ocular manifestations and ulcers of the genitalia. Recurrent thrombophlebitis and trombosis may occur in the disease. Lipoprotein (a) is a LDL-iike particuie with a large giycoprotein called apoiipoprotein (a). The unique structural features of lipoprotein (a) give it the potential for atherogenic and thrombogenic activities. Plasma levels of other iipid parameters are important for atherogenesis and trombosis, too. The aim of this study was to investigate the reiationship betvveen lipoprotein (a) and the others Hpid parameters with active Behçet's disease. Tweive patients with active Behçet's disease and age-matched, healthy 12 persons were the subjects of this study. There were no statistically significant differences betvveen patients and control groups for lipoprotein (a) and total choiesterol levels (p>0.05). There were significant increase in HDL-C, LDL-C and trigiycerides in patient group (p

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