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Ann Med Res. 1996; 3(2): 97-100

Echocardiographic noninvasive evaluation of the effect of hemodialysis on left ventricle function in patients with chronic renal failure


Dr. Cemal Tuncer1, Dr. Ramazan Özdemir1, Dr. Aytekin Güven1, Dr. Hasan Pekdemir1, Dr. Alpay Sezgin1, Dr. Süleyman Büyükberber2, Dr. Nedim Kızılkaya2




To evaluate the effect of hemodialysis on left ventricle function in patients with chronic renal failure, it was studied total 17 patients (11 male and 6 female). From diastolic function parameters peak E wave velocity (PEV), Peak A velocity (PAV), PEV/PAV, E deceleration time (mS) (EDT), and isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), were found before and after hemodialysis as (72±31, 83±31cm/sec., p0.05), (36±1, 39±11ml/m2, p>0.05), (111 ±36, 102±34ml, p

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