In the present study tracheas and lungs of 20 adult rabbits were investigated by light microscopy. Silver impregnation techniques were used to demonstrate intraepithelial neuroendocrine cells. Tissue sections were fixed in Bouin's solution, embedded in paraffin and stained with argentaffin (Masson- Hamperl argentaffin reaction), argyrophil (Grimelius argyrophil reaction, Churukian & Schenk argyrophil reaction) and masked metachromasia methods. The Masson-Hamperl argentaffin method yielded negative results in sections of trachea and lung, although numerous argentaffin cells were present in control samples of duodenum. In all sections of tracheas and lungs stained by argyrophilic methods, neuroendocrine cells were identified by the presence of black or dark brown cytoplasmic granules among other epithelial cells. Neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) were demonstrated among the bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial cells. None of the samples of trachea contained NEB. Masked metachromasia method yielded negative results in all sections including controls. The shape of argyrophilic cells were usually columnar or pyramidal with the base resting on the basement membrane. Their big nuclei were located basally. The granules were scattered in the cytoplasma. The neuroendocrine cells forming NEBs were pyramidal or high cubic in shape. The luminal surface of the NEB's were covered with the neighbouring epithelial cells. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1996;3(2):69-74]
Key Words: Rabbit, neuroendocrine cells, trachea, lung, argyrophil