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Review Article

Ann Med Res. 1997; 4(3): 350-359

The celiac trunk and its branches


Dr. A. Oya Sağıroğlu1, Dr. Sacide Karakaş2, Dr. Murat Ögetürk1, Dr. Aymelek Çetin1, Dr. Gülru Esen1




The variations of the celiac trunk and its main branches which are constantly observed in the dissection of cadavers show a distinct tendency to group themselves into definite anatomic types. This paper contains the classification of the celiac trunk, based on the origin and distribution of the common hepatic, splenic and left gastric arteries and variations of them and their respective branches. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1997;4(3):350-359]

Key Words: Celiac trunk, common hepatic artery, splenic artery (lienal artery), left gastric artery

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