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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 1997; 4(2): 215-218

A fatal cause of hemoptysis and hemothorax : thoracic aneurysm rupture


Dr. Ömer Soysal1, Dr. Erdal Ege1, Dr. Zeki Yıldırım2, Dr. Tamer Baysal3, Dr. Hasan Özdemir1, Dr. Mustafa Paç1,




Hemoptysis is a problem for which the patient and the physician give importance. Aortobronchial fistula causes hemoptysis and aortopleural fistula causes hemothorax, and it is a fatal situation if not treated. A patient presented with hemoptysis and multiple loculated dense pleural effusions who had thoracic aortic aneurysm with bronchial fistula, and died although she underwent emergency aneurysm repair and left lower lobectomy. Aortobronchial fistula should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hemoptysis. If the thoracic aneurysm which is ruptured to the lung and pleura is not diagnosed and surgically repaired early, it is usually mortal. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1997;4(2):215-218]

Key Words: Aortic aneurysm, hemoptysis, hemothorax

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