Original Research |
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Remzi GOKDENIZ, M.D.* Emin ÖZBEK, M.D.** Bülent MIZRAK, M.D.*** Süleyman ÖZEN, M.D.*** . Abstract | | | |
Female varicocele is a subject of investigation. An animat model of female varicocele may be an option to detect pathoiogies associated with this phenomenon. For this purpose, a midline laparatomy was performed in female wistar rats. The ieft renai vein was identified and partially Ugated to an external diameter of 0.85 mm. A consistent stenosis was achieved by using a 4-0 silk suture, which was Ugated around both renal vein and a metal probe. The probe was removed and the vein was aliovved to expand against the loop of suture. This model was macroscopically and microscopically investigated. Markedty dilated İeft ovarian vein and striking intraovarian venous congestion were observed. It was conduded that this model is an easy and cheap option to investigate female varicocele.
Key vvords: Female varicocele, animal model, pelvic pain.