In this randomized prospective study, we investigated the effects of diet, gliclazide, gliclazide and acarbose and insulin on blood glucose levels of Type 2 diabetic patients. Sixty-four patients, 30 males (12 obese and 18 non-obese) and 34 females (20 obese and 14 non-obese), aged 50.83±6.88 years (range 36-66) with a fasting blood glucose level of 140 to 270 mg/dL zere included. Patients were divided into two groups (obese and nonobese) before randomization and both groups were divided into four subgroups consisting of diet, gliclazide, gliclazide and acarbose and insulin. Patients zere re-evaluated at 14 and 28 weeks. Prior to study, mean (± SD) fasting blood glucose level was 203.43 (27.05) mg/dl, HbA1c was 8.38°% (0.71), body weıght was 76.78 (7.25) kg, fasting plasma insulin was 33.85 (7.49) g/ml, and C- peptide level was 4.08 (0.76) ng/ml. After seven months of treatment, mean (± SD) decrease in fasting blood glucose level was 23.14 (10.62) mg/dl and 0.59°% (0.08) in HbA1c. There was an increase of 1.69 (0.05) kg in body weight, 1.97 (0,44) g/ml in fasting plasma insulin, and 4.08 (0.76) ng/ml in C-peptide levels. In conclusi on, we observed that gliclazide, gliclazide and acarbose, and insulin treatments were more effective than diet alone. However, no signi ficant difference was observed between treatment groups in terms of improved metabolic state.
Key words: Type 2 diabetes, diet, gliclazide, acarbose, insulin