In this study, we reviewed 67 patients with staphylococcal septicemia who developed septic arthritis between 1992-94 in the Department of Pediatrics in Dicle University Medical Faculty. Clinical, radiological, and laboratory findings were evaluated. Septic artritis was found to be present in 10 of 67 patients (14.9%) aged between 2-13 years (mean 6.7). There were 5 knee, 2 hip, 1 ankle, and 2 shoulder joint involvements in these 10 cases. All patients were managed with antibiotherapy and aspirationirrigation method. Antibiotherapy was given for 3 weeks intravenously and 3 weeks orally. No patient needed open surgical drainage. Mean follow up duration was 12 months, and no complication was developed in any patient. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1997;4(1):14-17]
Key Words: Septic arhritis, septicemia, Staphylococcus