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Ann Med Res. 1997; 4(1): 14-17

Septic arthritis in the patients with staphylococcal septicemia


Dr. Ahmet Kapukaya1, Dr. Bayram Özen1, Dr. Mehmet Turgut2, Dr. Murat Söker3




In this study, we reviewed 67 patients with staphylococcal septicemia who developed septic arthritis between 1992-94 in the Department of Pediatrics in Dicle University Medical Faculty. Clinical, radiological, and laboratory findings were evaluated. Septic artritis was found to be present in 10 of 67 patients (14.9%) aged between 2-13 years (mean 6.7). There were 5 knee, 2 hip, 1 ankle, and 2 shoulder joint involvements in these 10 cases. All patients were managed with antibiotherapy and aspiration­irrigation method. Antibiotherapy was given for 3 weeks intravenously and 3 weeks orally. No patient needed open surgical drainage. Mean follow up duration was 12 months, and no complication was developed in any patient. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1997;4(1):14-17]

Key Words: Septic arhritis, septicemia, Staphylococcus

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