Hydranencephaly is devastating CIS malformation consisting of almost complete absence of the cerebral hemisphere. It can be developed as a consequence of intrauterine infections (such as toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus), other gestational insults, or acquired cerebral infarction associated with extensive meningitis, widespread intracerebral hemorrhage or ischemia. In this paper, we report a patient with hydranencephaly secondary to congenital toxoplasmosis. In the present case, affecting the cerebellum and the brain stem, and stopping the enlargement of head circumference with CSF division suggest that; (1) in the cases with hydranencaphaiy secondary to congenital toxoplasmosis, progressive obstructive hydrocephalus may be associated with hydranencaphaiy, and this condition may be severely affected hydranencephaly, (2) in cases with hydranencephaly and/or hydrocephalus, CSF diversion may relieve in both conditions.
Key words: Hydranencephaly, toxoplasmosis.