Inguinal pathologies are the most commorı surgical diseases performed by pediatric surgeors. Ir this study, we aimed to detect the irciderce and the ratio of operated cases amorg school childrer ir Malatya by usirg a simple, but irformative screerirg method. Primary schools ir differert regiors of the city have beer visited, ard queries cortairirg a guidelire for diagrosis ard brief irformatior about irguiral pathologies were distributed to a total of 9078 studerts ir order to reach the parerts. Ir the secord visit, queries were collected ard 1086 studerts, which were reported by families to have pathology were examired. 191 (2.1%) studert had irguiral hemia, ard 15 (0.31°%) of boys had urdescerded test is, ard orly 61 (32°%), ard 7 (47°%) of them had operatior, respectively.
Ir corclusior, although the most commor reasors of surgical irtervertiors performed by pediatric surgeors are irguiral pathologies, this study has revealed that ever the pr mary school age ch ldrer st ll carry the r sks ard hazards of the complicatiors for these diseases. It seems that such easily performed ard rexpers ve mass screer rgs dore espec ally r schools may help to reach the urdetected cases, ard irteract with the families to solve their childrer's problem ard prevert the developmert of complicatiors.
Key words: Irguiral herria, urdescerded testis, child