In this study we investigated the muscie fiber types and their uitrastructurai features in the intrinsic lingual muscles of the mouse and the rabbit. Four albino mice and four rabbits were used. Pieces of the tongues were fixed in gluteraldehyde and postfixed ¡n osmium tetroxide. Ultrathin sections stained with uranyi acetate and lead citrate were examined in JEOL-IOOSX electron microscope. In the rabbit, two types of muscle fibers that varied in uitrastructurai features were observed. One of these fibers had numerous mitochondrial columns of large diameter. Tubules of sarcoplasmic reticulum were large and prominent. The other type had fewer numbers of mitochondrial columns of small diameter. But tubules of sarcoplasmic reticulum were fewer and small in diameter. The muscle fibers that make up the mouse lingual muscles were not all identical also. Some of the muscle fibers consisted parallel rows of mitochondria of large diameter. The elements of sarcoplasmic reticulum were small. Some of them consisted prominent and large sarcoplasmic reticulum tubules. Mitochondria were fewer than that of the other fiber type, and these were not arranged as long rows. In some of them mitochondria were fewer and sarcoplasmic reticulum tubules were small. It is concluded that the organization pattern and development degree of mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum may be variable in different muscle fiber types in different mammals.
Key words: Red Fiber, White Fiber, Mouse, Rabbit, Electron Microscopy