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Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(1): 1-5

Prevention of adhesion formati on wi th intraperitoneal administration of purified m i cronized flavonoid (daflon 500 mg)

Dr.Erkan ALATAŞ*, Dr.Ayşe KAFKASLI**



Objective : To investigate the effect of Daflon 500 mg in the prevention of postoperat ve adhes ons.

Design : Forty-two rats undement unilateral surgical injury to the uterine horn and the parietal peritoneum. The rats were randomly assigned to receive no treatment (control), oral-Daflon 500 mg (Daflon-O), or intraperitoneal-Daflon 500 mg (Daflon- IP). To evaluate the effectiveness of flavonoid solution, 5 mL was injected intraperitoneally to the third group before abdominal closure. Şaline solution was nst lled ntraper toneally to the other groups at the end of laparotomy. The drug was given orally in suspension to the rats of Daflon-O group. Fourteen days after surgery, a second laparotomy was performed and the adhes on score was determined. The data were analysed by Mann Whitney U test.

Results : The tenac ty of adhes ons and the mean adhes on score of the Daflon-iP group were significantly lower than the control group ( p

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