Objective: In this study we have planned to determine the effects of intrauterine device (IUD) on cervical cytologic changes.
Material And Method: Cervical epithelial morphology were evaluated on 80 women who are using IUD as contraceptive method. Another 50 women who are using different contraceptive methods except IUD were selected as control group. Cervical smears were taken from all women and stained with papanicolaou dye and evaluated according to Bethesta criteria by same pathologist who were unaware of the clinical status of women. Mann-Whltney U nonparametric test was used for statistical analysis. Results: The age avarage of the patients was 29.3±6.5, the first sexual experience age was 19.6±8.5, parites were 3.3±3.2, the duration of IUD using was 10.7±3.1 months. None of the women had dysplasia or carcinoma. Inflammatory changes were detected in 52 (65.3%) paients in IUD group and 12 (24%) patients in control group and difference between groups were statistically significant (p0.05).
Condusions:The use of IUD causes to inflammatory changes at Papanicolaou smears, but It doesn't increase the risk of cervical dysplasia and carcinoma
Key words: IUD, Cervix, Cytology