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Ann Med Res. 2000; 7(2): 167-169

A case of coronary artery anomaly presenting with syncope attacks


İzzet TANDOGAN*, Feridun KOŞAR*,  Alpay T. SEZGİN*,  Halil ASLAN*, Ergün TOPAL*, İrfan BARUTÇU*, Ramazan ÖZDEMİR*




Among the congenital coronary artery anomalies, anomalous origin of circumflex artery from right coronary sinus is the most common one and have a good prognosis.

The patient was admitted to the hospital with the complaint of syncope episodes.

His electrocardiogram showed ventricular tachycardia. The patient had been suffering from exercise induced syncope attacks for three years. Family history of the patient revealed three sudden cardiac deaths. One of them, his brother, had nonobstructive coronary artery anomaly and syncope episodes. Near syncope and ventricular tachycardia were observed during exercise stress testing. The patient underwent coronary angiography and anomalous origin of circumflex artery from right coronary sinus was detected.

In conclusion, although anomalous origin of circumflex artery from right coronary sinus has a benign clinical course, it may be associated with ventricular tachycardia and syncope.

Key words: Anomalous origin of coronary artery, ventricular tachycardia, syncope.

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