Objectives: We investigated uitrastructurai features of electron-dense granular cells, mucus and ciliated cells located in the dorsal lingual epithelium of Rana ridibunda recently. Within this epithelium, in addition to these cells, there were several kinds of cells. In the present study we investigated electron microscopic features of these cells. Materials and methods: Six frogs were used in this study. Anterior parts of their tongues were excised and cut into small pieces. These were fixed in 3% gluteraldehyde and 0.1% osmium tetroxide. . Specimens were dehydrated in acetone and embedded in Araldide CY212. Ultrathin sections stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate were examined in an JEOL-IOOSX electron microscope.
Results: Mitochondria rich-cells, electron-lucent dear cells and plazma cells were observed within the dorsal lingual epithelium of Rana ridibunda. Mitochondria-rich cells contained many mitochondria and glycogen granules in their cytoplasm and long microvilli on their free surface. We concluded that cuboid cells that contained a large nucleus, well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum and many lysosomes in their cytoplasm were macrophages. In addition to these cells, many plasma cells which originated from connetive tissue were located within the epithelium.
Conclusion: All the cells which we observed within the dorsal lingual epithelium of Rana ridibunda are unusual cell types for the dorsal lingual epithelium of mammals.
Key words: Frog, dorsal lingual epithelium, electron microscopy