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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 2001; 8(3): 121-125

The Effects Of Xylene Inhalation On The Antioxidant System Of Pathology Lab Workers


Kadir Batcıoğlu*, İ.Çetin Öztürk**, Metin Genç***, Nurettin Aydoğdu****, Aysun Bay Karabulut*, A.Alev Karagözler*****




Organic compounds, which are used as solvents in many areas, threaten human health. In this study, the antioxidant system of pathology lab workers who use xylene and xylole during hematoxylene dying and tissue pursuit processes were investigated. The bloods from 12 lab workers (7 men and 5 women) and 12 healthy volunteers (7 men and 5 women) were used for this study. For this purpose, SOD, CAT activities and MDA levels in the RBC and NOX levels, ALP, AST, ALT activities were measured in the serum of each individual. All of the analyses were done using photometric methods. Results were as follows; serum ALP (135 +14 U/L), AST (21+4 U/L) and ALT (19+3 U/L) levels of lab workers were found in the normal range and NO x levels were found 44,6 + 12,0 pmol/L (control: 26,1±2,8 pmol/L). SOD, CAT activities, MDA levels in the RBC were 1667,7+161,8 U/gHb (control: 2359,4+223,6 U/gHb); 99,7 + 14,3 k/gHb (control: 221,0 + 12,3 k/gHb); 282,7+32,4 nmol/ml (control: 145,3 + 17,2 nmol/ml) respectively. SOD and CAT activities were lower than controls (p

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