Case Report |
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings In Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome
Alpay Alkan*, Tamer Baysal*, Yılmaz Kıroğlu*, Ahmet Sığırcı*, İsmet Orkan**Alpay Alkan*, Tamer Baysal*, Yılmaz Kıroğlu*, Ahmet Sığırcı*, İsmet Orkan** . Abstract | | | |
Purpose: To define the extent of cerebral parenchymal involvement in Davidoff Dyke-Masson syndrome by magnetic resonance imaging.
Material and method: T1 and T2 weighted axial and coronal images were obtained to evaluate brain parenchyma of three patients with MRI.
Findings: Right cerebral hemiatrophy were seen in two of the cases while left cerebral hemiatrophy was observed in one case. Ipsilateral atrophy in basal ganglia, loss in white and gray ma tter and hypoplasia of cerebral peduncles were seen. The etiology of the syndrome included meneng itis in two patients and traumatic delivery in one patient.
Results: Magnetic resonance imaging is the procedure of choice with respect t o the assesment of the etiology and extent of cerebral parenchymal involvement in Davidoff Dyke -Masson syndrome.
Key words: Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome, magnetic resonance imaging, unilateral cerebral atrophy.