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Ann Med Res. 2000; 7(1): 8-10

Plasma CA125 Levels In Myoma Uteri


Tayfun GÜNGÖR*, Şevki ÇELEN*, Oya GÖKMEN*




Objective: Plasma CA 125 levels were measured in 40 women operated for myoma uteri.

Material and methods: Study group was divided into two groups according to the mass of myoma uteri being larger (First group) or smaller (second group) than 14 weeks of gestation. Control group consisted of 20 women with normal pelvic ultrasonography and no pelvic complaint.

Results: Mean CA125 levels were 13.49±12.41 SD, 7.8±5.46 SD and 7.67±2.51 SD in the first group, second group and the control group, respectively. There were no significant statistical difference between both myoma uteri groups and between the myoma uteri groups and control group (P>0. 05).

Conclusion: Although there were high CA125 levels (>35 U/ml) in two patients in the first group (10%), CA 125 has no diagnostic value in myoma uteri.

Key words: Myoma uteri, CA 125

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