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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2002; 9(4): 267-268

A Case Report: Mite That Observed By Cellophane Tape Method

M. Özlem Aycan*, Metin Atambay*, Orkun Şahsıvar**, Ülkü Karaman*, Nilgün Daldal*




During a screening program of parasitic diseases performed in primary schools by Inonu University, Faculty of

Medicine, Department of Parasitology; a mite was observed in the sample taken from the perianal region of a 9

years-old boy by cellophane tape method. The mite was identified as Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus male. Abundant

amount of mites and body parts were seen in the dust samples taken from the boy’s house. The boy and his

father had history of allergy. In conclusion, it must be kept in mind that mites can be determined by cellophane

tape method used for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites and that house dust mites can be present not only in

house dust but also in other places where conditions are suitable for mites.

Key words: Cellophane Tape Slide, Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus

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