Original Research |
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The effect of hiperperistaltism induced by neostigmine to the formation of peritoneal adhesions
Dr. Mustafa Erbilen1, Dr.A.Süha Sönmez2, Dr.Adnan Arab1, Dr.Mustafa Şahin1, Dr.Ertuğrul Ertaş1, Dr.Ertan Bülbüloğlu1 . Abstract | | | |
Twenty Wistar rats were anaesthetised with ketamine chloride and the abdomen was opened through a midline incision 3 cm long. Omentum was tied with silk suture in one part. At 3 cm right of the midline, 4x1 cm of defect including muscle and underlying peritoneum was performed. This defect was sutured by 3-0 silk from 5 sides. One cm2 erosion was formed on anterior surface of the caecum by brushing. Then, rats were separated into two groups.25 µgr/kg/im/day neostigmine was administered to study group for 7 days. All rats were sacrified and evaluated at the postoperative tenth day. There was significant difference between the control and neostigmine (p < 0.05). It is suggested that the provocation of peristaltism may be effective in preventing postoperative peritoneal adhesions. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1(1):10-13,1994]
Key Words : Neostigmine, peritoneal adhesion