Original Research |
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Serum Cholinesterase Activity in Operated Patients in Turgut Özal Medical Center
Zehra Kurçer*, Engin Şahna**, Türkan Toğal***, Ayda Türköz****, Mehmet A. Kurçer*****, Mustafa Birincioğlu****** . Abstract | | | |
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine distribution of serum cholinesterase activity according to age and sex
and serum cholinesterase activity of patients who were operated in Malatya Turgut Ozal Medıcal Center.
Material and Method: In this study, serum cholinesterase activity of 96 (44.2%) male and 121 (55.8%) female
patients who were operated in Turgut Özal Medical Center was determined by enzyme-spectrophotometric method.
Results: Enzyme activities were 7092±226 U/ml and 6804±207 U/ml in males and females, respectively (p=0.58).
The enzyme activity in the 0-15 years age group (8680±525 U/ml) was significantly higher that in the over 41 years
age group (6567±330 U/ml) of males (p=0.01). However, there were no significant differences among age groups in
females (p=0.06). The enzyme activity in the 16-40 years age group of females (6335±308 U/ml) was significantly
lower that in the 16- 40 years age group (7316±334 U/ml) of males (p=0.04). Enzyme activity was found to be
under the normal range (