Case Report |
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Anaesthesia For Caesarean Section of Single Umbilical Artery and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Ig M Positive Obstetric Patient
Nurçin Gülhaş*, Türkan Toğal*, Semra Demirbilek*, Ahmet Köroğlu*, Aytaç Yücel*, M. Özcan Ersoy* . Abstract | | | |
Single umbilical artery is associated with multiple organ malformations, fetoplacental insufficiency and intrauterine
fetal growth retardation. During anaesthesia severe hypotension can cause decrease of uteroplacental blood flow
and fetal distress. Herpes Simplex (HSV) infection is activated by exogeneous factors such as sunlight, wind, trauma
and fever or endogenous physcological factors such as stress especially in immune deficiency. The choice of
anaesthetic technique for HSV infected obstetric patient with single umbilical artery requires both uteroplacental
blood flow sufficiency and prevention of HSV activation. For these reasons we aimed to report the anaesthetic
method that we performed for a caesarean section of single umbilical artery and HSV type 1 positive obstetric
Key Words: Obstetric Anaesthesia; Umbilical Cord Abnormality: Single Umbilical Artery, Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection.