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Ann Med Res. 2003; 10(3): 139-142

Color Doppler Ultrasonographıc Fındıngs Of Solıd Lıver Masses

Ö. İbrahim Karahan*, Ali Yıkılmaz*, Şerif Işın**, Murat Baykara*




Aim: Detection of color Doppler ultrasonographic (CDU) findings of the solid liver masses and contribution of

these findings to differential diagnosis.

Material and Methods: Thirty-five patients with solid liver mass were evaluated prospectively. Spectral Doppler

properties, vascular patterns and vascular morphologies of these lesions were determined. The diagnoses of the

lesions were made with biopsy and/or imaging modalities. These lesions were classified according to their diagnoses

and CDU findings were analyzed statistically.

Results: Of the 35 patients with liver masses, 18 were diagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); 10 as

hemangioma; and 7 as metastasis. As vascularization was determined in 6 with metastasis, 1 with hemangioma and

all patients with HCC, no color flow signal was detected in 9 with hemangiomas and one with metastasis. Although

there was no statistical difference in vascular pattern, vascular morphology, peak systolic velocity and resistive index

values of primary and metastatic lesions (p>0.05), there was a statistically significant difference between benign and

malignant solid liver lesions by using these values (p

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