T. vaginalis is a flagellated protozoon which lives in the urogenital system of human and causes of Trichomoniosis.
T. vaginalis is a monoksen parasite and its definite host is human and usually transmitted with sexual contact. So
incidence changes due to life style.
This study was made to determine the T. vaginalis incidence on 33 bar girls that came to Malatya Adafi Syphilis
and Lepra Preventorium.
Women were examined by using gynecologic evaluation, saline wet mount and Giemsa staining techniques and
cultivating of vaginal specimens. In addition the contraception methods ingiven were evaluated.
In 14 (42%) of 25 women of whom lesions were observed in gynecological exam were found to be infected while
remaining healthy 11 women were found to be uninfected. Trichomoniosis clinical findings were observed in 25
women and all of the infected women were from this group. From the point of contraception methods, 27
women used none, 3 women have used intrauterin device and another, 3 oral contraceptives Trichomoniosis has
been seen in 17,1 and 1 cases respectively.
The correlation between Trichomoniosis and contraception methods could not been determined because of the
small number of cases. The incidance of T.vaginalis in bar girls that have gynecological complaints was found to
be higher.
Key words: T. vaginalis, Bar Girls, Malatya