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Ann Med Res. 2002; 9(1): 15-19

Polypoid Cystitis Unrelated To Indwelling Catheters: A Report Of Eight Patients

Süleyman Kiliç*, Rezzan Erguvan**, Deniz Ipek*, Ali Günes*, Hasan Gökçe**, N. Engin Aydin**, Can Baydinç*



Purpose: To evaluate the patients with polypoid cystitis, who did not have a catheterisation history and to review

the related literature.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of the records of Turgut Özal Medical Center revealed 8

patients with aforementioned qualification.

Results: Two female and 6 male patients were evaluated. Mean age was 48 years (28 to 70). The urinary cytology

findings available in 4 were normal. No bacterial growth was established in none of the patients. All cases were

diagnosed incidentally by radiologic and cystoscopic examinations in the evaluation of different conditions, such

as hematuria, ovarian abscess, bladder carcinoma, erectile dysfunction, neurogenic bladder, benign prostate

hyperplasia and unexplained dysuria. Patients were followed for 6 months to 2 years after first diagnosis. No

recurrence has been established during followup.

Conclusions: Polypoid cystitis is a benign lesion and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of

transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.

Key words: Bladder, Polypoid cystitis, Papillary cystitis, Bullous cystitis.

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