Isolated torsion of the fallopian tube is an un common event It is a difficult condition to evaluate clinically and
surgery is often necessary to establish the diagnosis. A 23-year old, nullipar woman was admitted with severe
abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant associated with nause and vomiting for 3 days. Abdominal examination
revealed diffuse, lower abdominal tenderness with guarding and rebound mainly in the right lower quadrant and the
abdomen showed muscular rigidity, suggesting peritonism. Pelvic ultrasound showed that intrauterin viable fetus
and their crown-rump lengths were 13 mm corresponding to 7 weeks 5 days of gestation and right adnexal
unilocular cyst approximately 46 x 30 mm in diameter with no solid areas and surrounded by a thin wall was found.
In the differential diagnosis acute appendicitis is considered. During laparotomy a swollen hyperemic right tuba was
found, and the appendix was hyperemic. Appendectomy and right salpengectomy were performed. Histopathology
confirmed periapendicit, and right tubal necrosis.
Key Words: Tubal torsion, Pregnancy