Case Report |
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Congenital Mirror Hand Deformity (Case Report)
Kadir Ertem*, Muharrem İnan*, Mustafa Karakaplan*, Burak Germen*, Arslan Bora* . Abstract | | | |
Mirror hand or ulnar dimelia is one of the rarest congenital anomalies of the upper limb. Typically, there is
absence of the radius, duplication of the ulna and eight digits polidactyly. In this study, we report a case of a rare
subject of hand duplication where the shoulder was normal and there was no associated anomalies. The patient
underwent surgery for the excision of the radial three digits and reconstruction of the preserved radial phalanx to
function as an opposable thumb. Excision of the lateral part of olecranon and tendon transfer were performed in
onder to increase the elbow flexion.With respect to function and cosmetics, the result was quite satisfactory for
the hand, white functionality within the elbow joint was inadequate due to the restricted mobility.
Key Words: Mirror Hand, Polydactily, Reconstruction.