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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2003; 10(2): 95-97

Case Report : Intrauterin Sonographic Fndings Of Acrania

Kutsi Köseoğlu*, Yelda Dayanır*, Merter Keçeli*, Alirıza Odabaşı**




Acrania (exencephaly) is a rare developmental abnormality characterized by partial or complete absence of the

cranium with nearly complete development of brain tissue.

Acrania can be differentiated sonographically from anencephaly by the presence of cortical brain tissue.

We report two cases of acrania which are detected by transabdominal sonography in the 14th-15th weeks of

gestation and sonographic findings of acrania and anencephaly are discussed.

Key Words: Acrania, Exencephaly, Anencephaly, Ultrasonography.

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