Objectives: To evaluate results of the patients with trigger finger refrectory to all conservative treatment
modalities who are treated by mini open surgery method
Material and Method: In this study 17 triggered fingers of 14 patients (10 female,4 male; mean age 44.78 years;
range 7,58 years) who did not respond to any conservative treatment modalities were treated with releasing of
A1 pulley by mini open surgery method. The mean follow-up was 18.17months(range 3-33 months). As
associated pathologies, there were HT in four (%23) with a concomittant CTS in one; DM-II in one; dorsal wrist
cystic ganglion in one.
Results: According to patient satisfaction, %93 very good results were obtained. There were two transient scar
sensitivity, with no significant complications.
Conclusion: The patients with trigger finger refractory to any conservative treatment modalities can be treated by
mini open surgery method effectively and safely. The patients should thoroughly be evaluated for concomitant
Key Words: Hand, Hand Fingers, Tendon, Tenosynivitis