In this case report, we aimed to discuss a patient presenting with convulsion and respiratory depression after
interscalene brachial plexus blockade (ISB) was performed with ropivacaine 0.5%.
A 35 years old man, 70 kg in weight and 174 cm in height was taken to operation for right radial nerve repair. ISB
was done with 40mL of ropivacaine 0.5% using peripheral nerve stimulator. Clonic convulsions at the face muscles
and respiratory depression occurred 3 min later than ISB. Convulsions and hypotension improved without any
intervention, bradycardia was not seen.
As a result, slow injection should be performed having continuous dialogue with the patient during the ISB
procedure. We hold the opinion that even if the aspiration and test dose are negative, physician should be aware to
the cardiovascular and central nervous system complications after the local anesthetic injection.
Key Words: Regional anesthesia, Brachial plexus block, Ropivacaine, Convulsion, Respiratory depression