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Ann Med Res. 2005; 12(3): 177-183

The Evaluation of the Daily Life Activities, Health and Social Status of the Elderly Living in the Nursing Home

Rukiye Aylaz*, Gülsen Güneş**, Leyla Karaoğlu**




Aim:This descriptive study was aimed to evaluate on the daily life activities, health and social status of elderly living in the nursing home in Malatya.

Method:Data was gathered by the researchers using a questionnaire from the 62 elderly who accepted to participate in the study.

Results:The mean age for the elderly was 76.9 ± 9.0 years. 67.7 % of them was male and other were female. Of the residents, 43,5 % have been staying in the nursing home for 5 years or more and 41,8 % were satisfied with staying in the nursing home. The main physical health problems were as follows: Arthritis pain, 64.3 %, vision problems, 46.4 %, auditory problems, 45.4 %, hypertansion 35.7 %. Health problems of the elderly were found to be similar to the literature.

Conclusion:Since the arthritis was the most common health problem, some protective measures such as physical exercise are suggested in the nursing homes starting at middle age.

Key Words : Elder, Nursing home, Physical health problems, Quality of life, The daily life activities

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