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Ann Med Res. 2005; 12(2): 89-92

Evaluation of Brain Metastasis in Patients with Lung Cancer


Mustafa Kürşat Özvaran*, Dilay Demiryontar*, Sibel Arınç*, Fatma Abacıgil**, Efsun Uğur Chousein*, Özlem Soğukpınar*, Nil Toker*, Reha Baran*



Objective: We designed this study to evaluate clinical and radiological features of brain metastasis from lung cancer.

Material and methods: Patients diagnosed to have brain metastasis due to lung cancer between 1992 and 2003 were evaluated retrospectively.

Results: Of 133 patients, 125 were male (94%). Mean age was 57,3±10,2 ( range 35 to 75). The distribution of lung cancers adenocancer in 41 (31%), epidermoid cancer in 39 (29 %), non-small cell cancer in 16 (12%) and clinical-radiological lung cancer in 32 (24 %). Fifty-nine (44%) patients had solitary brain metastasis.

Excluding the brain metastasis, the tumors were staged as 54(40,5%) stage ?V, 21 (15,6%) stage ?-B, 32 (24,1%) stage ?-A, 7 (5,3%) stage ?-B, 1 (1%) ?-A, 17 (12,6%) ?-B, 1 (1%) ?-A. Eighty-eight (66,2%)patients with brain metastasis had received total radiotherapy, 15 (% 11,3) had received metastastectomy +radiotherapy, 10 ( 7,4%) received chemotherapy, 4 (%3) received metastastectomy, 3 (% 2,3) receivedchemotherapy + metastastectomy and 13 ( 9,8%)received symptomatic therapy. Seventy-four (56%)patients followed up from 15 days to 31 months;mean time 7,3±6,7 months. Survival time was notsignificant between the patients with solitary and multiple brain metastasis (p> 0,05).Conclusion: In this study, it was found that 44% ofbrain metastasis was the metastasis rates ofadenocancer and epidermoid cancers were similar.Between the survival time of the patients with solitary and multiple brains metastasis did not finddifference. Aggressive treatment could benecessary for these patients because of shortsurvival time.

Key Words: Lung cancer, Brain metastasis,Survival

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