Today, instead of univariate analyses, multivariate analyses have become more commonly used, and health is one of
the areas where these methods are most widely applied. In this study, we aimed an introduction of logistic
regression analysis and a presentation of an application in the area of health.
As an application of logistic regression method, a questionnaire including 21 items, which were answered by 462
academic and other health staff, was applied in the Medical Faculty in order to Dicle University to evaluate the
knowledge level, attitude and behaviour on blood donation. Two staged logistic regression method was applied to
evaluate the answers obtained from the questionnaire.
As a result of the study, percentage correction values for the first and the second analysis were found as 89.0 % and
86.6 %, respectively.
In conclusion, the importance of logistic regression is increasing in the recent years because the variables obtained
in the clinic application data are not continuous, and by this method we are able to make analyses using these
Key Words: Logistic regression, Blood donating, Health staff