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Ann Med Res. 2006; 13(4): 243-248

Our Clinical Experiences in Pressure Sore in a period of 10 years

Ayşe Öztürk*, Ali Gürlek*, Ahmet Arslan*, Cemal Fırat*, Alpay Fariz*




Background: Pressure sores are very big challenging wounds that affect patient, patient’s family and surgeon. The incidance of this clinical problem couldn’t be decreased by current modern medical methods, even though its occurrence and recurrence could be prevented easily.

Material, Methods and Results: We reviwed the patients referred because of pressure sores from August 1995 to November 2005, at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, İnönü University.

They have been rewieved and compared in literature with respect to risk factors, localization of wounds, treatment procedures, and complications. In this study, 123 pressure sores of 72 patients were evaluated; 48 of them men and 24 women. The mean age was 43 years (ranging from newborn to 85 years old. 19 pressure sores were treated conservatively and 104 surgically.

Conclusion: The most important point of pressure sores is the prevention of the occurence of the pressure sores. The financial and medical cost of pressure sores causing this important and difficult problem, could be minimalized.

Key Words: Pressure sore, Surgical and conservative treatment, Rehabilitation.

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