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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2008; 15(1): 51-53

Amyands hernia : Report of Two Cases

Aziz  Sümer*,  Ediz Altınlı**



The finding of the appendix lying within an inguinal hernia is known as an Amyand’s hernia. The incidence of this type hernia is approximately one percent of cases of inguinal hernia. Claudius Amyand was the first to describe the presence of a perforated appendix within the inguinal hernial sac and performed a successful transhernial appendicectomy in 1735. Preoperative diagnosis of Amyand’s hernia is very difficult. Once diagnosed peroperatively, appendectomy through herniotomy is the procedure of choice. We report two  Amyand’s hernia where the appendix was found within the hernial sac during surgery for an obstructed inguinal hernia.

Key Words: Amyand’s hernia, Appendix, İnguinal hernia

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