Original Research |
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Our Clinical Experience in Lower extremity Amputations
Aziz Sümer*, Ender Onur**, Ediz Altınlı***, Atilla Çelik***, Kasım Çağlayan***,Neşet Köksal*** . Abstract | | | |
Limb amputation is both emotionally and physically crippling. It is one of the oldest operations in the history. Common conditions that lead to limb amputation include: benign and malignant bone and soft tissue tumours, uncontrolled infection, peripheral vascular disease, and traumatic crush injury.
Lower extremity amputations constitute 80-85 % of the total amputation cases. Trauma is the most important reason for extremity amputation. The other most frequent causes of amputations are diabetes mellitus and periferic vascular disease.
Rehabilitation process begins at the preoperative period and continues life long for the patient.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the patients retrospectively with respect to age and gender, etiology, and amputation level, and to represent our clinic experience.
Key Words: Lower extremity, Amputation