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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2006; 13(1): 67-69

A Rare Case of Nodular Subepidermal Fibrozis


Hıdır Kılınç*, Nezih Sungur**, Bilge Türk Bilen*, A. Çağrı Uysal***





We present a case of an unusual nodular subepidermal fibrozis involving the unlar side of the distal falanx of the index finger of his right hand, separating the pulp of the finger into two parts and causing deformation of the bone and narrowing in distal interphalangeal joint. The total excision of the mass was carried out. 16 months follow up showed no recurrence and the appearance of the finger was acceptable aestheticaly.

Key Word: Nodüler subepidermal fibrozis, Nail bed

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