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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 2006; 13(1): 31-35

Studying the Behaviours of Healthy Life-Style and Applying Training Programs for Cancer Prevention



Gülseren Ünal*, Fatma Orgun**




Background: Today cancer is one of the most important health problems. It should be ensured that all of citizens are provided with information related to cancer prevention, early diagnose and treatment.

Material and Methods: This research has been carried out descriptively and as a pre-post test design in a single group, in order to determine knowledge levels of women who reside in district of Pınarbaşı, Bornova, pertaining to avoidance from cancer and behaviours of healthy life-style and to provide them training in this regard.

Results: In this research it was established as a result of pre-training test that, cancer mostly seen in uterus, breast, lung and brain in women; consumption of tobacco and alcohol, stress and malnutrition have led to cancer; and although they knew the importance of early diagnose, they did not get enough information related to symptoms of cancer; avoidance from cancer and its importance. But following the post-training  test it was observed that  they were able to define cancer, they could count at least five of cancer symptoms and also they stated that cancer could be seen in liver, intestine, stomach; sun light and radioactive rays might led to cancer and it can be cured by rays, surgery and medications.

Conclusion: It ıs possıble that community education programs (primary prevention programs) and early case finding programs (secondary prevention programs) especially targeted to women, will lead to substantial reduction in mortality from cancer.

Key Words: Cancer, Training, Prevention, Mortality

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