A patient, who had been admitted in to the Emergency Department following the ingestion of an unknown agricultural insectiside at an unknown amount in a suicidal attempt, was hospitalized to the Intensive Care Unit. Following the completion of her treatment at the Intensive Care Unit, she was discharged home on the eighth day of her admission. Twenty-one days after discharge, she was readmitted to the hospital with the complaints of weakness and numbness under her knees. On her history, it was learned that she had these complaints for two weeks and falling down frequently and having numbness on her hands. The suspected diagnosis of organophosphorus induced delayed polyneuropathy was confirmed upon electromyography. She was started on vitamin B complex. The patient did not return for follow-up visits and did not receive any further treatment; however, at a telephone interview it was learned that she had full recovery within a year.
In conclusion, it was remembered that organophosphorus induced delayed polyneuropathy following organophosphorus intoxication is a rare but important complication with a lengthy recovery period and with no specific treatment. Furthermore, the patients receiving treatment for organophosphorus intoxication should be informed regarding this complication upon their discharge.
Key Words: Organophosphorus intoxication, Organophosphorus induced delayed polyneuropathy, İntensive care unit