Original Research |
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Effect Of Blood Transfusıon On Lıver Transplant?s Outcomes And Predıctıve Factors On Transfusıon Requırement
Onur Yaprak, Murat Dayangac, Deniz Balcı, Cihan Duran, Süleyman Uraz, Ömer Ayanoğlu, Yıldıray Yüzer, Yaman Tokat . Abstract | | | |
BACKROUND: The aim of this study is to identify the preoperative variables associated with prediction of intraoperative blood transfusion as well as analyze the influence of intraoperative blood transfusion on postoperative outcomes.
MATERIALS and METHOD: Between June 2004 and May 2006 a total of 81 liver transplantation (16 CDLT, 65 LDLT) were performed on 81 patients (56 male and 25 female) who had end stage liver at our hospital. The patients were split in two groups, as similar previous studies. High transfusion group (HTG) (>4 RBC) was compaired againts the low transfusion group (LTG) (< 4RBC). Univariate analysis was performed with the independent student’s t- test for quantitative variables and chi-square test was used for qualitative variables after data categorization and calculation.
RESULTS: The mean transfused units of red blood cell (RBC) was 5.41. Patient’s age, availabity of HCV and elevated Child score had significance for intraoperative blood transfusion requirement. Postoperative mortality and reoperation rate had significantly elevated in HTG patients also HTG patients had more infectious.
CONCLUSION: We concluded that high blood transfusion has major effect on posttransplant complications and postoperative mortality
Key Words: Liver transplantation, Blood transfusion, Postoperative outcomes