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Ann Med Res. 2007; 14(2): 91-94

Effect of Age and Gender on Functional Disability in Stroke Patients


Ferhan Soyuer*, Demet Ünalan*, Ahmet Öztürk**




Objective: This study was planned with the aim of searching the relation between functional disability and age and gender in cases at three months following stroke.

Material Method: As a collecting device a questionnaire form developed by researcher was used to obtain information about the patients’ age, gender, marital status, education, job, comorbidity, stroke type, localization etc. Functional evaluations of stroke cases were performed by functional independence measure (FIM).

Results: No statistical difference was found between the age groups according to FIM cognitive elevation, lesion side, lesion type and gender of the cases (p>0,05).There was difference between age groups in terms of education (p=0.01), FIM motor and FIM total (p=0,02), evaluations. There was no difference betwen the genders in terms of age, lesion side, lesion type and FIM cognitive (p>0.05). Between the genders there was difference in terms of education (p=0.00), FIM motor (p=0.04) and FIM total (p=0.01). There was a significant relation between FIM total (r=-0,276, p=0.02) and FIM motor (r=-0,289, p=0.01) evaluations and age.

Conclusion: Functional disability in female stroke patients and older age are prominent.

Key Words: Stroke, Age, Gender, Functional disability

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