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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2008; 15(1): 39-41

Cystic neuroblastoma in a newborn: A case report

Sema Uğuralp*, Ahmet Sığırcı**, Neşe Karadağ***



An abdominal cystic mass with a 2.5x1.8 cm diameter was diagnosed in a 28 week- gestation female fetus using antenatal ultrasonography (US). Postnatal US confirmed a cystic mass in the right adrenal region. The abdominal computed tomography revealed a hypodense, thick walled cyst which pushed the right kidney to the lower side. Intraoperatively, the mass appeared to be within the right adrenal gland, and a right adrenalectomy was performed. Histology confirmed a poorly differentiated neuroblastoma.


Cystic neuroblastoma (CNB) should be considered in the differential diagnosis of suprarenal cystic masses. It can be suggested that any cystic adrenal mass with characteristic US sign (thick wall) in a neonate must be removed since there is a probability of malignancy.

Key Words: Neuroblastoma, Neonate, Cystic, Prenatal

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