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Ann Med Res. 2008; 15(1): 25-28

The Frequency of Exposing To Violence And Its Effects on State and Trait Anxiety Levels Among The Doctors and Nurses Working In Samsun Psychiatry Hospital

Tuğrul Gökçe*, Cihad Dündar**



Aim: This study aimed to determine the frequency of exposing to violence and its effects on state and trait anxiety levels among the doctors and nurses working in Samsun Psychiatry Hospital.

Method: Among the doctors and nurses working in Samsun Psychiatry Hospital between 15th February 2006 and 10th March 2006 sixty four volunteers enrolled to this cross sectional study. Data of study, collected by Spielberger’s Trait and State Anxiety Scale and via the inquiry in which sociodemographic questions involved. Spread of distribution and central criterion of the groups were presented (given) as arithmetic mean ± standard deviation; Mann Whitney U and Chi Square tests were used for statistical evaluation.

Results: Of the 14 (%21.9) doctors and 50 (%78.1) nurses participating in this study, 56 (%87.5) were female, 8(%12.5) were male; ratio of exposing to violence in last one year was established  % 55.9 (55 people). Of the participants, 38 (%59,4) exposed to verbal and 17 (%26.5) to physical violence. Average of State anxiety Scale of study group was 41.8 +9.4, and trait anxiety scale was 47.8+6.0. Average of State Anxiety Scale of participants who didn’t expose to violence was 38.6+9.3,and 42.3+9.4 who exposed to violence; average of trait anxiety scale of participants who didn’t expose to violence was 42.7+2.1,and 48.7+6.0 who exposed to violence. Even though the Average of State and Trait Anxiety Scale has no statistically significant difference as for the job, sex and management support, exposing to violence significantly increased trait anxiety score (p0.05).

Conclusion: The relation between expose to the violence and high anxiety levels among health workers suggests that training these personnel how to approach to the patients with psychiatric disorders and establishing an organizational structure for security of health personnel beside the patients might provide a support to solve these problems.

Key Words: Violence, state anxiety, trait anxiety, doctor, nurse

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