Case Report |
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Biliary Ascariasis Coinciding Hepatitis a Infection
Metehan Özen*, Serdal Güngör*, Cemşit Karakurt*, Ramazan Kutlu** . Abstract | | | |
Intestinal ascariasis is one of the most common parasitic infestation in developing countries. Fifteen years-old male was admitted with the complaints of jaundice, abdominal pain and nausea. Laboratory investigations revealed positivity of anti-HAV-IgM and IgG. We performed abdominal ultrasonography because of long-lasting jaundice and increasing abdominal crampy pain. Examination revealed 7-8 cm long tubular image which is consistent with Ascaris lumbricoides. Single dose albendazole and antispasmatic treatment caused expulsion of parasite without complication.
Key Words: Ascaris lumbricoides, Gallbladder