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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2010; 17(4): 383-385

Delayed Total Pneumothorax and Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema Requıred Mechanical Ventilation: A Case Report


Ömer Soysal*, Sedat Ziyade*, Uğur Temel*, Şenel Yediyıldız*, Mevlüt Çömlekçi**, Osman Cemil Akdemir*




Reexpansion pulmonary edema is an iatrogenic complication which may develope after expansion of a collapsed lung due to pnemothorax, pleural effusion or bronchial obstruction. Mechanical ventilation may be reqired in the treatment. Pulmonary edema, respiratory insufficiency and shock occurred in a 32-year-old man with a total pneumothorax for five days, after tube thoracostomy. He is mechanically ventilated in intensive care unit for two days, and discharged on fifth day with a full clinical and radiological recovery.

Key Words: Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema; Pneumothorax; Mechanical Ventilation. 


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