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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2009; 16(3): 193-195

Treatment of the Tinnitus Caused by Palatal Myoclonus with Botulinum Toxin


Mustafa Akarçay*, Ahmet Kızılay*, Orhan Özturan**




Introduction: Palatal myoclonus (PM) is a rare cause of objective tinnitus, secondary to rhythmic voluntary or involuntary movements of the soft palate.

Cases: We report two cases; nineteen-year-old girl and 18-year-old boy who presented our clinic with bilateral tinnitus and diagnosed as PM. Clinical diagnosis was made on the confirmation of soft palate movements synchronus with an audible clicking noise. Neurologic examination, cranial MR and MR angiography were normal in both patients. Since the systemic drug therapy was unsuccessful, 15 U botulinum neurotoxin A (botox-A) (BOTOX®, Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) has injected into both sides of the soft palate in patients. Tinnitus has disappeared immediately after the injections. There were not any complaint after twenty months follow-up.

Conclusion: In the light of literature, our findings show that botox-A injection is an effective treatment in PM.

Key Words: Myoclonus, Botulinum Neurotoxin A, Objective Tinnitus

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