Objective : This research was performed to assess the efficacy of training offered to students in the Apprenticeship and Vocational Training Center in Malatya, Turkey on their level of first aid knowledge.
Methods: This study was planned as an interventional research project pretest, posttest; control group design which offers a training program to the students of Apprenticeship and Vocational Training Center in Malatya. We included 200 students in our study 100 as part of the experiment group and the other 100 in the control group. In the first part of the question form, students were asked questions about their socio-demographic characteristics and another questionnaire about their previous experiences with regard to first aid. They were then asked multiple-choice questions to measure their level of knowledge of first aid.
Results: Mean knowledge score of the experiment group students was measured as 29.32±11.04 before training and 59.12±19.72 after training (p0.05). Utilizing paired-samples t-test analysis, the difference between experiment group regard to their mean knowledge score from posttest was found to be statistically significant.
Conclusions: It was found that interactive first aid training offered to students indeed enhanced the first aid knowledge of the experiment group. We, therefore, suggest that these training programs should be repeated at regular intervals in order to increase the knowledge levels.
Keywords: First Aid, Apprenticeship, Industrial Accidents, Injury Prevention, Training.